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Cholestocare II (120 Caps)

Cholestocare II (120 Caps)

$ 49.50

A Dietary Supplement to Support Proper Cardiovascular Functioning and the Maintenance of Cholesterol Levels within Normal Range.

• Healthy Blood Serum Lipid Levels
• Healthy Blood Viscosity

About The Ingredients:

is required by all living cells. It is an essential component of two coenzymes, niacinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), and niacinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP). More than 40 biochemical reactions dependent on it have been identified. The major function is removal of hydrogen from certain substrates and the transfer of hydrogen to another coenzyme. Reactions in which NAD and NADP are involved include the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.

HDL to LDL Ratio Support
• Phytosterols are plant steroid alcohols that have been shown to support the maintenance of cholesterol within normal range by blocking the over-absorption of cholesterol. CholestoCare II contains 900 mg’s of plant sterol concentrate that yields 40% beta sitosterol, 20% campesterol, and 14% stigmasterolphytosterol.

Cholesterol Synthesis and Circulation
• Policosanol is a complex that has been studied for its ability to reduce cholesterol synthesis by the liver, protect against peroxidation of lipids, aid healthy blood flow and support the maintenance of beneficial HDLs within normal range.

Antioxidant and Blood Viscosity Support
• Guggul lipids contain compounds known as guggul sterones. As antioxidants, they protect against lipid peroxidation

Folates are normally found in a wide variety of foods and are commonly consumed through a diet of green leafy vegetables and animal products such as milk and dairy products. Unfortunately folates contained in foods are unstable and susceptible to oxidation. Humans cannot synthesize folate because of its water soluble nature. Folate plays an essential role in cell division and DNA synthesis and is involved in human growth and development. Humans need to maintain an adequate dietary intake of folate during various stages of their lives to stay healthy.

DMG is an intricate part of human metabolism and has been used in the health field as a nutritional supplement for over 25 years. DMG supports overall body health by acting as an indirect methyl donor and providing useful building units for the biosynthesis of vitamins, hormones, neurotransmitters, antibodies and nucleic acids.

US Patents for DMG include:
• For the treatment of arthritis and inflammation
• For modulating immune response and treating inflammatory disease
• For the treatment of melanoma
• CholestoCare II would be a great addition to any diet and exercise program that is designed to support the maintenance of HDLs, cholesterol and triglycerides within normal ranges.

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