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GI Herbal Tincture (2 oz.)

GI Herbal Tincture (2 oz.)

$ 27.50

GI Tincture is a combination herbal tincture designed to help relieve constipation and reduce digestive discomfort.

About the Formula

Cascara sagrada bark is from a tree native to North America that is prized for its laxative effects. Cascara stimulates the bowels and is useful in chronic constipation, as it not only increases peristalsis but also is tonifying to the mucosa and smooth muscle. When using herbal laxatives like cascara, it is important to drink six 8-oz glasses of water throughout the day. Cascara should not be used consecutively for longer than 10 days.

Cape aloe latex is a powerful laxative when used internally. Aloe gel is used topically to heal burns and wounds, while the latex is used internally to act on the intestines. In large doses, aloe latex has a purgative action while smaller doses enhance digestion. Like cascara, aloe latex should be limited to occasional use to relieve constipation as it can become habit-forming and can deplete electrolytes and minerals, such as potassium, if used chronically.

Slippery elm bark (Ulmus fulva) has a long history of use internally and topically. This tree was also employed by Native Americans to make goods such as canoes and baskets. This mucilaginous bark has been used to help heartburn, inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s, GERD, diarrhea, gastritis, sore throats, and spasmodic coughs. Slippery elm is thought to reduce inflammation and ulceration.

Gentian root is best known as a bitter that stimulates salivary, HCl, and bile secretions. Gentian originally comes from Europe and Turkey and is promoted by herbalists as a digestive aid. Gentian is ideal for people with decreased digestive ability.

Wild yam root (Dioscorea villosa) is indicated for spasmodic shooting pains of both skeletal and smooth muscle. The pain of conditions like diverticulitis, menstrual cramps, and colic may be alleviated by wild yam. This plant is also a mild bitter and cholagogue.

Plantain leaf has been used to treat bronchitis, coughs, and other upper respiratory tract infections since it is soothing and a gentle expectorant. As an astringent, plantain may also be beneficial in cases of diarrhea, intestinal inflammation, and hemorrhoids.

Fennel seed is a digestive aid that can help reduce the griping associated with intestinal colic. For this reason, it is often taken in conjunction with purgative herbs like cascara and aloe. Fennel’s carminative actions may help people with IBS, spastic constipation, and diarrhea.

Ginger root is used in cooking and also medicinally. Ginger stimulates digestion by increasing secretion of saliva, HCl, and digestive enzymes. Ginger may be helpful for reducing gas, diarrhea, nausea, and intestinal spasm.

Suggested dose: start with 1-2 droppers once a day for a few days then increase to 3-5 times a day if needed.

Warning: If you have peptic ulcer disease, excessive stomach acid, gall bladder disease, or are taking thiazide diuretics, digoxin or other medications, please consult your health care practitioner before taking this or any herbal product. If cramping or diarrhea occurs with use of this product, reduce dosage. Not for long term use (longer than 10 consecutive days). Do not use if pregnant. Drink six 8-oz glasses of water throughout the day while using this product.

*These statements have not been evaluated be the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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