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Cherry Chews 500 mg

Cherry Chews 500 mg

$ 25.50

Great Tasting Cherry Flavored Chewable VITAMIN C for Kids and Adults

Cherry Chews is an excellent solution for Kids and Adults that have trouble swallowing tablets.

500 milligrams of Vitamin C with bioflavonoids to increase effectiveness of Vitamin C in a great tasting cherry flavored chewable wafer.

- Vitamin C supports immune system function and collagen health. The primary function of Vitamin C is maintaining collagen. Vitamin C also helps form red blood cells, provides antioxidant protection against free radicals, and supports the immune system.
- Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals to prevent damage. It supports collagen production to benefit skin, teeth and bone health.
- Factors such as coffee, tea, smoking, illness, strenuous exercise, and physical and mental stress all deplete Vitamin C levels in the body. The following drugs also tend to deplete Vitamin C in the system: Aspirin, Betapar, Brevicon, Cortisone, Demulen, Enovid, Indocin, Norinyl, Orasone, Prednisone, Sterazolidin.
- Cherry Chews contains Bioflavonoids, which increase the effectiveness of Vitamin C by 50%. Pectin has been shown to be beneficial in managing cholesterol levels within normal ranges. Rose Hips are a great source of Vitamin C, but also contains pectin, citric acid and malic acid.


*These statements have not been evaluated be the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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